Sunday, June 7, 2009

Is it normal to have your boyfriends passwords for his email and facebook account ?

I have a friend that had her boyfriend's passwords, and when he was having computer issues, jumped on his email to see if he resolved the computer problem. What she found was that he had been emailing a bunch of other women.

The emails were very intimate.

Seems like he was keeping these other girls on the side line, just in case his relationship didn't work with her.

Guess what? It didn't.

Guess what else. The scoundrel left the state, and into the arms of one of the other girls he had been emailing.


Nothing wrong with having these passwords. Shouldn't be a problem if they have nothing to hide.

Hope this helped you.

Is it normal to have your boyfriends passwords for his email and facebook account ?
It's optional .

I would not give out my password , but some people are cool with it .

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