Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My wife asked for my email password and I said no?

I don't want her snooping around my stuff, should I create a secondary account for my stuff? or just say no?

My wife asked for my email password and I said no?
only give the password if your kinky ex does not email to that account... hahahaha
Reply:Depends what "stuff" you are trying to hide. We all have personal interests, and you have right to privacy, and if its all innocent, why dont you log on and show her emails briefly, without allowing her to have the password and snoop anytime she likes. But, then again, if you are cheating on her and hiding the evidence in your email, then you dont deserve the privacy and respect from your wife.

Reply:sounds like she has trust issues with you and it also sounds like she has a good reason NOT to trust you.

why did you even get married and say vows in the first place if they don't mean anything to you?!!

my bf and I have been together 3.5 years and we have each other's email and voicemail passwords along with the pin numbers to our bank accounts. this wasn't something we asked each other for, it just happened that we share everything.

if you can't be open enough for your wife to have your email passwords (I don't even check my bf's email-only when he's at work and needs me to look at something for him) then divorce court is where you should be heading

it sounds like she needs to upgrade anyways!!
Reply:Well besides the kinky sex what do you have to hide? My husband and I have access to each other's email accounts, bank passwords, and everything. We don't keep anything from each other and if he's wants to have kinky sex with someone he talks to me about it first. She's going to start suspecting when you leave out info and cut her out of your life.
Reply:What are you doing on the computer that you don't want your wife to know about? Sounds like you have something to hide and I'm sure that's what your wife thinks too, when you told her no.

You see, I have nothing to hide, so my whole family knows what my password is. They can snoop all they want and there is nothing on my computer that I wouldn't want them to know about.

Bad boy, you are up to no good and now your wife knows that. Busted!!!
Reply:I don't see any reason for your wife to have your email password. And i have to wonder what ever happened to privacy.

If you have done nothing to make her suspiscious of you in the past or recent past, she has no reason to "need" your password.

Maybe you and your wife can open a joint email account or something?

Reply:"Those with nothing to hide hide nothing." So what is it in your "stuff" that you don't want her to know? Does she have reason to suspect that you are up to no good?

That she should have to ask, and that you feel you don't want her to, shows me that you two are already in trouble. Get help.
Reply:You are a piece of work. First you have sex with your ex, then you wonder why your wife wants your email password. If I was your wife, I would file for a divorce the minute you said no, then I would go out and have the time of my life with a man who truly deserves me.
Reply:My husband and I have trust. We both do not anything to hide. I signed a check over to him because I trust him and it is household money. He has spent plenty on me and we bought household things together. He needed some clothes and I bought him clothes. Money causes more problems in relationships than cheating. He and I have each other's passwords. If she is a shopaholic I can understand why, some people are shopoholics. I make him buy things for himself. We live simple.
Reply:You are obviously hiding something then because i could care less if my husband gets into my email and vice versa... maybe she realizes you are hiding something...
Reply:Why not give your wife the password unless you have something to hide?

If you're cheating on her, then you shouldn't have married at all or you should have divorced her before you decided to cheat on her.
Reply:well this coming from the same guy who said he cheated on his wife with his kinky ex....SHE HAS GOOD REASON!

She deserves a lot better then you. why don't you take your marriage seriously and stop wasting her time.
Reply:Two answers:

Give her the passwords and feel like she always snooping and being to pushy.

Don't give her the passwords and she's feel like your hiding something.
Reply:So you basically have something to hide? NO? Well she thinks you do and now you have started the world longest headache.
Reply:Wow she is your wife you shouldn't be hiding anything, you should be open and honest. Now she thinks you have something to hide there goes the trust.
Reply:I don't see the big shouldn't be hiding anything from your wife in the first place. That's just asking for trouble!

My husband and I know each others passwords to big deal!
Reply:This could be rough. There seems to be trust issues that you need to talk about. Good Luck. Don't give her your password.
Reply:create a secondary account
Reply:l think you are playing around....

Are you afraid she will stumble onto some ...naughty business you are in ??

LOL fights on...Open a second e mail with nothing in it.. Give her that password..
Reply:Say no and the reason why.

Then ask her why does she want to know?
Reply:divorce will solve this too :)
Reply:you are guilty of what ever she thinks u are doing, never have secrets from ur spouse,
Reply:why u said no,seems there things ur hinding from her,en thats wrong,


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