Monday, August 3, 2009

If a person does not change their email password and their ex signs into the account, who is at fault?

Well, it depends. If you gave your email password to your love and now they are your ex it is your responsibility to make sure you change your password. After all, you did give them your password. If you did not give them your password and they know your password and they keep checking your email account that is totally their fault

If a person does not change their email password and their ex signs into the account, who is at fault?
the person who didnt change his password is at fault..take ownership and protect cant count on waiting for the other person to be responsible
Reply:I'll answer that with a question:

Did the ex sign onto the account using log on and PW information that was GIVEN to him? The question is whether the account owner shared that information. Think of it this way, pretending the email account is a person's house: did the ex tamper with the lock and break into the house, or, did the ex enter the house using a key that the owner (his/her ex) had previously given?
Reply:If I had a recent "ex" that knew my passwords- I'm a dumbass for not changing them immediately!
Reply:yours for not changing it. take personal responsibility for your own actions. you gave your ex the password so you should know better.
Reply:If it it your personal email, and he signs into it, it is almost like tampering with mail. He/She has no business going into it.

It's the person's fault for not changing their password...they should have known there was a chance their ex was going to try to log on and be nosey.

Then on the other hand, it's the ex's fault for not respecting the other's privacy.
Reply:I would say the person who didn't change their password. That is the first thing I would do if me and my b/f broke up
Reply:both...them for not changing it/or sharing it with them to begin with... and the ex for snooping through mail that isn't theirs
Reply:whatever, change the password or at least, tell him to
Reply:If its not their email..they shouldnt be logging in. CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD!
Reply:you gave the password, your fault for not changing it. That is legally true for debit cards too. Happened to me...
Reply:I will admit I have done this before.

They shouldn't have to change their password, you should respect their privacy and leave them alone. So whoever logs into the other person's email is probably the one at fault.

Reply:Your ex has no right going into your e-mail. I would change the password right away

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