Saturday, June 13, 2009

How did my friend get my email password when very far from me?

My friend lives in South Africa while I am in Kenya. He got my password online and told me. He refused to tell me his trick. He is a computer genius and I wonder how he did it. He did not guess because he has done it twice and I use very strong passwords that I even sometimes forget. He has no one to watch out for me. How did he do it from that far away?

How did my friend get my email password when very far from me?
ever here of a keystroke logger? any 12 yr old can get one for free online duhhh, besides being honest here, whos password are you trying to get anyhow, duhh~ and internet is global how faar you are is not relivant, lest your pc is 2 cans and string~ simple cracks r not hi end thinking more like low end ignorance mostly done by 12 yr old pimple faced mentallydisturbed children, they are usually called kiddy scripters. If this person is soo powerful at this #1 avoid him you need a batter class of friends #2 If hes that good try one of these passwords for a while, he cant get passed these period~

bible study

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